Kundenfreundliche, höfliche Produkte und Verpackungen werden für Brandowner als Wettbewerbsvorteil immer wichtiger: Unsere langjährige Expertise stärkt die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Ihrer Produkte und Verpackungen im Wachstumsmarkt Convenience.
Unser Ansatz: Wir nutzen die Bedürfnisse älterer Kunden als Benchmark. Dies ist ein bewährter Weg, Produkte und Verpackungen für alle Kundengruppen attraktiver zu machen.

„Die Expertise Ihres Institut zeigt klar und deutlich Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten auf. Sie ist damit eine perfekte Basis, um neue Verpackungsentwicklungen zielgruppengerecht durchführen zu können.“
Helmut Sieber, Leiter Verpackungsentwicklung Carl Edelmann
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Workshops für Marketing und Verpackungsentwicklung
Verpackungstests auf Kundenfreundlichkeit/ Convenience

„Dankeschön für Ihren Workshop zum Megatrend Convenience: Alle Themen wurden von ihnen sehr gut beleuchtet und alle Fragen der Teilnehmer ausführlich beantwortet. Alle ProduktmanagerInnen waren einstimmig der Meinung, dass es ihnen gelungen ist, den Tag sehr abwechslungsreich zu gestalten und viele neue Impulse für unser Team zu setzen.“
Miriam Hopprich, Bereichsverantwortliche Produktmanagement, dm-drogerie markt, Karlsruhe
Brandowner: „I wish we had done this before“

Anastasia Shchukina, Business analyst marketing & sales at SCA in Munich, Germany participated in a research project for SCA’s TENA incontinence care products. She tells about how she got the opportunity to get a first-hand look at how older customer see and interact with the product pack and display.
„Earlier this year I took part in a very interesting project which helped us to understand the challenges and difficulties that older consumers experience when shopping and in everyday life.
When we all get older, our bodies start to react differently – so we’re not the same anymore. That’s why, for most TENA shoppers it’s part of everyday life. We really need to understand it. We can’t say we understand just because we ask them.It’s also very important to be in their shoes and to draw some conclusions from it. That’s why we organised a workshop this year.“

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Verpackungstests auf Kundenfreundlichkeit/ Convenience
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„We contacted a company called Age Explorer. They provide suits that imitate ageing. You look thirty years older than you really are.
You just put the suit on – it has weights on the hands and legs. It actually restricts you from moving fast, you become really slow. They put gloves on your hands to make it look like you have arthritis.
You put on a helmet that restricts your eyesight and changes your colour perception. When I first put it on, I thought: The world is not the same anymore. It was a totally different experience.
The world is not the same anymore. It was a totally different experience.
I looked at the pack on the shelf and tried to grab hold of it. I couldn’t see what was written on it because the letters were too small.
I kept dropping it because of the problem with my hands. I tried to move it around the shelf to observe the pack but it wasn’t that easy to do.
I was very happy when I finally took the suit off and went back to being twenty-five again.
For most of our consumers and shoppers, that’s not an option. For me personally, it was very important to really try to understand those people. I became more patient. I don’t jump in front of old ladies when I’m rushing for the train in the mornings anymore.
I wish we had done that before.
For SCA, it brought a lot of insights because we improved our packaging to make it user-friendly for everyone.
We added „open here“ tags and we increased the size of the letters so that they can read, understand and choose the right product.
At the end of the day, a lot of my colleagues said: „I wish we had done that before.“ It’s really stepping into the shoes of the consumers understanding their needs and what they actually experience.“
Source: https://www.sca.com/en/Media/News-features/2011/A-story-about-walking-in-an-older-customers-shoes/
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Workshops für Marketing und Verpackungsentwicklung
Verpackungstests auf Kundenfreundlichkeit/ Convenience